100 موضوع آزمون های آیلتس و تافل: آلودگی هوا

100 موضوع آزمون های آیلتس و تافل: آلودگی هوا

تاریخ نگارش: 1395/12/11 - 10847 بازدید
آلودگی هوا
اگر تا به حال چند بار آزمون آیلتس یا تافل را تجربه کرده اید ولی نتیجه لازم را نگرفته اید به سایت Fast24.ir رجوع کرده و شروع به مطالعه موضوعات مختلف آزمون های انگلیسی کنید.
یکی از این موضوعات مهم در آزمون های انگلیسی مانند آیلتس و تافل ، آلودگی هوا می باشد.
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آلودگی هوا(آزمون آیلتس/تافل) Air pollution
  • The World Health Organization has named air pollution as the world’s largest environmental health risk. The first step in reducing its effects on your body is to educate yourself about the risks of air pollution in your area.

دلایل : Causes
  • Air pollution is due to various causes, such as burning fossil fuels and emission of hazardous pollutants caused by factories and automobiles.
  • Like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

اثرات: Effects
  • Air pollution causes many health problems, such as respiratory diseases, eye irritation and premature new born babies.
  • Air pollution can destroy the ozone layer that protects us from the harmful rays of the sun and consequently air pollution contributes to global warming.
  • Air pollution damages natural resources and leads to ecosystem degradation and poor air quality.

How to minimize air pollution:
  • Air pollution can be reduced by implementing energy efficiency programs .
  • Introducing vehicle emission standards
  • Expanding car replacement programs: new cars with old cars
  • Extending environmentally friendly means of transport
  • Expanding public transport facilities
  • Regular check-ups for cars should be obligatory
  • Use of more efficient engines and modern exhaust filtering devices
  • Using cleaner fuels
  • Developing tree planting programs
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