100 موضوع آزمون های آیلتس و تافل: آلودگی آب

100 موضوع آزمون های آیلتس و تافل: آلودگی آب

تاریخ نگارش: 1395/12/11 - 10590 بازدید
یکی از 100 تاپیک (موضوع ) امتحانی در آزمون های آیلتس و تافل موضوع آلودگی آب می باشد که شما نیاز به داشتن اطلاعات کافی برای آزمون شنیداری(Listening) یا مکالمه (Speaking) در آیلتس و تافل (IELTS / TOEFL) و حتی آزمون نوشتاری (Writing) دارید.
آب یکی از مهمترین منابع جهان می باشد و همه ما می توانیم نقش خود را برای جلوگیری از آلوده شدن آب ایفا کنیم.
Water is one of the world's most important resources, and we can all do our part to stop it from getting polluted.
Simple changes like using natural cleaning products instead of toxic ones in your home and planting more trees and flowers in your yard can make an important impact. On a larger scale, consider speaking up against industries that dump waste into local streams, rivers, and beach fronts to reduce water pollution in your community. Every action you take makes a difference.

دلایل: Causes

مهمترین دلایل آلودگی آب: The main causes of water pollution are
  • Industrial emission,
  • Domestic waste,
  • Polluted agricultural runoff
  • Washout of poisonous chemicals from dump
  • Sewage discharge
  • Not having an efficient sewage disposal system
  • Excessive use of inorganic substances in industries

اثرات: Effects

  • Water pollution causes many environmental concerns
  • It endangers human life and natural ecosystem
  • It’s a threat to underwater life
  • Water pollution causes many life-threatening health problems such as typhoid and cholera

پیشنهاداتی برای حل آلودگی آب : Suggestion to address water pollution

Water pollution can be reduced through a range of initiatives and anti-pollution programs.

Preventive programs:
  • Like enacting tougher laws to deal with this issue.
  • Supervisory role of authorities
  • Sea dumping should be strictly prohibited

Technical measures:

  • Designing efficient waste disposal system to prevent water pollution.
  • Providing recycling and disposal facilities.

Educational programs:
  • Increasing public awareness, offering programs intended to encourage public participation to deal with this problem.
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